Someone Got Super Smash Bros Early

Written by Alex Thompson Published on 10/25/18 8:34 AM PDT

 An eBay Seller Is Selling Super Smash bro Ultimate Bundle with the joy-cons and everything.  the origin of how he got it is unknown but my guess is that it got sent to him by accident or someone also got super Mario party early they found it at an airport so maybe Nintendo is sending it to people for publicity or this guy used to work for Nintendo and he took it with him to sell it and make some money to get by these are just my theories but I am going to message the seller and see how he got it and make an update 

I Message the original seller that was selling it and I have the info where the original came from he has already sold it or I can't find his listing people keep using his picture to sell fraud consoles this is what he said about how he got it 

So it sounds like he bought it at the store I am guessing that it was a mistake and they put them out early that's all the info I have now I will keep you posted
