Things To Do In GTA V When You're Bored!

Written by Alex Thompson Published on 4/16/19 2:29 PM PDT

Things to do in GTA V When you're Bored!

If your reading this article you probably are a fan of GTA V or at least play it occasionally but sometimes you probably get bored with it so here is a list of all the things you can do when you're bored.

1. Taxi Driving
Some of you may not know this but if you steal a taxi you can drive for the taxi service and pick up people and make like 200 to 500 dollars in-game currency so that's also a benefit.

2.  Director Mode 
GTA V has this Mode called director mode 
You can enable any cheat you want to such as invincibility super jump or disable the police and you can play with any character you interact with in story mode

3.GTA Online

You probably heard of this mode before but if you are bored and need a change of scenery this is the way to go you can buy a house do missions and races and much more.

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